As the platform to elaborate project management services, we create a universal product that allows within no later than 5 years to build a highly profitable and low risk business, the financial model of which provides for only positive NPV value and the ratio of IRR to CC is always greater than 1.
Our projects provide for the full investments payback on the second-forth year depending on the project structure and generate EBITDA margin of 0,4-0,7 and higher with a PL always greater than 1.
High indicators of the project are gained due to the natural growth of the assets value and starting from the second-third year due to the revenue.
Our projects bear risks lower than the market average in the sector.
Legal risk is low due to the fact that during the project period, we as the management company in accordance to the national legislation of the resident countries of the project gain the full legal control over the companies that own the land and other agrarian project assets. The aforementioned control is returned to the owners only after full settlement with us under the project management agreements.
Operational risk is low due to a systematic scientific approach to project planning, continuous, inclusive and comprehensive monitoring of its implementation with objective monitoring equipment, software preliminary solutions for the development of the biological component of the project, minimization of manual labor and based on this reduction of the risk of influence of human factor, using high-precision technologies and the most efficient plant nutrition and protection schemes, as well as other methods that significantly reduce operational risk.
Market risks are low due to a deep analysis of the sales markets made prior to the project and project components, direct long-term contacts with the main buyers and suppliers who are market leaders, and also by the fact that the projects produce products already ready for retail sale or have a high degree of processing not lower than the semi-finished one.
We establish a separate company for the new project or enter into it with an already existing structure.
Usually, after project ends, we exit having received payment from the customer agreed in advance, however in the most attractive projects we receive a minority share of corporate rights, as a management fee, and continue to manage the project in the future.
Sometimes we take part in the financing of projects. In this case, apart from the minority share of corporate rights as management fees, we receive a share of corporate rights to the capital invested by us and we continue to manage the project in the future.
We are interested in expanding our participation in financing projects as well as implementing our own projects and invite investors to work together with us.
The structure of the joint business, depending on the cooperation strategy, could be the following.
The investor enters into the existing project and against his investment he gets the stake stipulated by us in corporate rights of the company. At the same time, the company will need to be evaluated as a functioning business. The following projects of the company can be financed by us in proportion to the participation in the capital at the expense of the company's revenues, at the expense of our own funds, and, if this is insufficient, at the expense of loans from third parties, not excluding the founders of the company.
The investor enters the existing project by buying the agreed share in the corporate rights of the company under our obligation to repurchase this share after a certain period on pre-agreed terms. In fact, this is a loan with the payment of income at the end of the term. The investor can finance the following projects in the same way.
The investor establishes a company for the new project, buys land for it based on our recommendation, finances its activities. He transfers his company to us to manage according to the business plan developed by us and approved by the investor. Management fee will be cash and / or option to acquire a minority stake in the company's corporate rights at par value after the successful completion of the management agreement. The investor can finance the following projects in the same way.
Other forms of cooperation are possible as well as.